The Torture and Humiliation of the King
Image courtesy of: paukrus
“I gave my back to those who struck me, and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard.I did not hide my face from insult and spitting.”
“Matthew tells us they stripped him naked, leaving him exposed and vulnerable, a bloodied, weakened man surrounded by hundreds of Rome’s finest, their swords, shields, and armor all testament to the Empire’s strength and resolve. Their emperor was, after all, king of the world; they would show this prisoner what they thought of his claim.”
“Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection constitute a divine drama meant to communicate God’s Word to humanity, to make clear to us our need for redemption and forgiveness, to show us the full extent of God’s love and lead us to repentance.”
“Simon (of Cyrene) was apparently so moved by the experience of suffering next to Jesus, of carrying his cross and then watching him be crucified, that he became the first believer transformed by the moral influence of the Atonement.“
Image courtesy of: jean louis mazieres
Photo By paukrus