A Chance Agent

“If you’ve ever tried to make a big change in your life, you know it can be a one-step-forward, two-steps-back process. Most of us would benefit from having a change agent—or champion—in our live when it’s time for some significant modifications. Ideally, this change agent would have a vision of what could be. Of course that vision would be aligned with yours, but it might be bigger, not worthwhile, yet still achievable. With this vision as the specific goal, the change agent would encourage and support you during the difficult but often necessary growth.
Does that description of a change agent remind you of any one? Yes, Jesus. He knows you and knows what is best for you. He understands you and loves you, and He longs for you to be the God-honoring, joyful, and peaceful you as you can be. Jesus not only supports and encourages you in your growth, but He also provides His power to make it happen.
Jesus can change our pattern initially to two steps forward for every one step backward…” (Peace)