A Different Rest

“Most people think of Rest merely as sleep—it’s what you do when you fall into bed and close your eyes. But resting is not just physical; it’s also a state of being.
Think about the past week. Has it been characterized by Rest? Maybe you slept eight hours every night, but work stress kept your heart racing and shoulders tense. Or perhaps you took a few days off work, but those days were filled with back-to-back commitments. That’s not Rest, friend.
Rest is more than sleep and more than simply not working. True rest is being content in the Lord. It’s living your life trusting Him and surrendering control over your life to Him. Rest means allowing not only your body to physically rest, but also your soul to spiritually rest. Find rest today, even in the midst of busyness and cares. Pass your worries to the Lord—and find contentment for the deepest part of your soul…” (Rest)