“Be Holy for I am Holy”
“Be Holy for I am Holy.” Six little words but wow are they packed with meaning! What does it mean to be holy? It means to be set apart, consecrated, morally blameless. It means to be like Jesus.
While it is first mentioned in Leviticus, it is referenced by both apostles Paul and Peter, who quotes it exactly in his first letter: “Be Holy for I am Holy.”
Aretha Grant in her post describes it this way:
Jesus Christ is the perfect example of one who walked in holiness. If we look at how He lived and exemplified holiness, we see a life committed to honoring God, showing love, honoring parents, serving others, and keeping the body holy.
She goes on to say about showing love:
Love is essential to holy living. The love that flows from Christians should be pure, without hypocrisy, a healing balm that soothes the tired, angry, depleted soul. Holy men and women should have forgiving hearts full of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and forbearance.
Those who are holy and walk uprightly before the Lord, need to be on guard against harboring unforgiveness, anger, and resentment in their hearts. We should be quick to forgive and spread the love of Christ everywhere we go. If we’re going to be holy like He is holy, that means, we have to show love and forgive even when the recipient doesn’t deserve our love or forgiveness. Sometimes, we’ll have to love others first, even when we don’t feel like or want to love them.
Aretha points out:
Being holy isn’t natural, and it isn’t something we can do under our own strength. Walking in holiness requires the Holy Spirit received when we become “new creations.” When we accept the Lord Jesus Christ into our hearts, we become new creatures. Holiness is only possible when we are put on the new self and live life as the new creatures God ordained us to be. Although holiness isn’t natural to us, we are instructed in Scripture to follow or pursue holiness.
If you would like to read the other five ways to “Be Holy for I am Holy” go to:
Photo By antonychammond
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂