Beauty in the Darkness

“Are we there yet? No parent behind the wheel likes hearing that question from the backseat. But we adults understand that feeling when we go through a dark season of life. ‘Are we there yet, Lord? Haven’t You challenged my trust and grown my faith enough?’ We may be grateful for the work God does in the dark, but we’re always eager to get back in the light.
Think about the darkest season in your life. What and who helped you while you were in that tunnel? We can thank God, even though He seemed absent in the darkness, for providing people, truth, hope, and peace during life’s dark times. We can also thank God for enabling us to put one foot in front of the other as we walked through the darkness, not knowing how long the tunnel would be.
Then, at some point after the dark season passes, we are, by God’s grace, able to thank Him for the the good we experienced as a result of the difficulty. Oftentimes we are also able to see the beauty He wove throughout our lives during the dark season—and even because of it.
‘Are we there yet?’ When you finally arrive? be sure to thank God for delivering you safely…” (Thankful)