Better Than I Deserve

“How do you view your lot in life? Are you in awe of what God has done with you, through you, and for you? Or do you think at this point you’d have or be more? Many people miss out on joy by failing to recognize the goodness of God in their lives.
David was able to live joyfully because he knew how good the Lord had been to him. He understood the mercy of God and that he doesn’t deal with us according to our sins (Psalm 103:10). Instead, in His goodness, He sent His Son to take the wrath we deserved (2 Corinthians 5:12).
There was an old pastor who, when asked how he was, would always respond, ‘Better than I deserve.’ If we had the same understanding, we’d be singing joyfully to the Lord every day for all the good He’s done…” (Joyful)