Close to His Heart

“Take a moment to read today’s verse again. Now, close your eyes and imagine the scene. You are that lamb. And your Abba, your Father God, is the One who watches over—the Shepherd tending His flock.
When you are hurt, when you are worried, when you are scared, when you simply need a moment of respite and rest, God gathers you into His arms and carries you close to His heart. Notice the word ‘carries.’ This is not a quick hug. This is not a pat-on-the-hat-and-off-you-go moment. God carries you close to His heart, until you are ready to walk once again.
No matter what kind of day, week, or month you are having—truly great or truly awful—God is with you. He is not a phone call away. He’s not even a prayer away. God is right there with you, holding you close, His heart touching yours.
How do you say ‘Thank You’ for that kind of love? Begin by doing as Jesus asked Peter to do: as a lamb, feed other lambs (John 21:-5). Wherever you go, in whatever you do, nourish His lost and hurting sheep with his words, with His kindness. There is no better way to thank the God who carries you so close…” (Thankful)