
“Too often we are hesitant to dance, whether it’s dancing in the literal or figurative sense of the word.
Perhaps that’s because much of our society’s dancing seeks to glorify the created rather than the One who created. But as Solomon so wisely said, while there is ‘a time to weep…and a time to mourn,’ there is also ‘a time to dance’ (Ecclesiastes 3:4).
Life is not meant to be s solemn, morose affair. It is not meant to be endured. It is meant to be lived, which includes working, sleeping, eat, loving, hurting, weeping, laughing, and yes, dancing.
There will always be difficult times, but don’t let them completely steal your joy and desire to dance. Dare to delight in the God who loves you whatever the season you find yourself in…
Don’t hesitate: dance for the sheer delight of being alive, of being loved by the one who will be your Partner through all eternity… (Thankful)