Do You Love Him?

“Do you believe in God?
Most people are pretty comfortable with this question. In fact, even those who give very little thought to God will often say they believe in Him.
Do you love God?
This is the question many people find awkward. Even many professing Christians are uncomfortable with the idea of feeling deep affection for God—though we’re commanded to do so again and again.
God asks us to love Him with all our hearts and souls, the very core of who we are. We’re also to love Him with our minds, to set our thoughts on Him continually. And we’re to love Him with all our strength—to ‘throw ourselves into it,’ so to speak, and truly engage our whole being. In many things we should exercise moderation, but not in our love for God. He deserves our everything: our allegiance, our obedience, and all our love.
So…do you love God?… (Love)