Don’t Give Up!

“A new day has dawned. Will this be a day you will sail easily through, in which every task is quickly accomplished, every challenge overcome, and every temptation turned away and sent packing? Or will this be one of those other days, when the tasks multiply too quickly, the challenges seem insurmountable, and the temptations are just so…tempting?
Whatever kind of day this morning brings you, don’t give up. Run the race set before you (Hebrews 12:1), fight the good fight ( 2 Timothy 4:7), and keep the faith (2 Timothy 4:7)—so that you may win the ‘eternal prize’ (1 Corinthians 8:25 NLT).
Yes, it will be a race. It will be a fight. And you must hold tight to your faith. So let the words of Psalm 31:24 inspire you: ‘Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up. Expect God to get here soon’ (The Message).
On this new day, the fact is God is already here running the race by your side. He will strengthen you for the fight and even fight for you. And when you turn to him in faith, just watch and see what He will do for you!… ( Thankful)