Eyes on Jesus

“…Many of us live distracted every day. One of Satan’s greatest tricks is to keep us so busy looking at the latest shiny thing that we lose sight of our Savior.
Whatever captures our attention will hold our gaze. We forget what really matters when we are distracted by worthless things (Psalm 119:37). The world is full of worthless things that will catch our eye and steal our joy. If we take our eyes off Jesus, we will lose sight of God’s plan for our life.
God wants you to run the race He had planned for you without distractions. He wants you to keep your eyes fixed on Him so you can persevere, so you will not ‘grow weary and lose heart’ (Hebrews 12:3). The joy waiting for you at the end of the race will keep you going until the race is won…” (Joyful)