Faith Over Fear

“Fear is invisible, but extremely powerful. Like a spider’s web, it clings to everything it touches. It can be paralyzing, overwhelming, all- encompassing, and life-altering. Fear runs rampant in our world.
But as God’s beloved children, we do not need to give way to fear. It doesn’t have to be a part of our lives. Instead, we can rest in peaceful confidence, knowing that the almighty God of the universe takes care of us. He holds us in the palm of His hand—the same hand that filled the oceans and flung the stars into the farthest reaches of the heavens. He, then One who never grows weary, watches over us while we sleep and commands the sun to rise up to greet us each morning. The Lord our God is greater than all our fears.
Let go of your fears today. Lay them at the feet of God. Breathe in His promises of provision and exhale any doubt. The Lord is faithful to protect His children. Rest in His faithfulness to you…” (Rest)