God’ Amazing Grace

“…grace is getting something wonderful we don’t deserve, such things as God’s forgiveness, provision, protection, guidance, and comfort.
Complementing the blessing of God’s grace is His mercy, which is not getting something we do deserve: instead of the punishment due because of our sins, God offers us forgiveness; and instead of separation from our holy God, He invites us into relationship.
Mercy and grace are life-giving blessings from God, and one way we show our gratitude for them is to extend mercy and grace to the people God allies to enter our lives.
God wants us to bless others with the grace He has given us: give kindness they don’t deserve, forgiveness when they let us down,and companionship when they are lonely.
He wants us to do the same with mercy: choose not to retaliate when we are hurt, keep quiet rather than gossip, and offer compassion rather than judgement.
Our awareness of God’s great mercy and His boundless grace can truly be fuel for our thankful hearts: God gives us what we don’T deserve and mercifully and doesn’t give us what we do deserve.” (Thankful)