God is Good

“Perhaps during a worship service you’ve heard this call and response. Half the worshippers proclaim, ‘God is good!’ The other half respond with, ‘All the time!’ Then the congregation declares together, ‘All the time God is good.’
God’s blessings are evidence of His goodness, but this proclamation does the important job of reminding us that God is good even when life is hard, the pain is unrelenting, and He seems unaware and uncaring. Difficulties and pain don’t mean that God is no longer good.
The truth is that our circumstances are no indication of God’s goodness. In the most horrific situations, God is still good. A faith that acknowledges the goodness of God only when things are going well isn’t faith at all.
Not everything was good when the psalmist wrote Psalm 106, yet he named God’s goodness and mercy as a reason to praise Him. We find peace in dark days when we remind ourselves that God is good all the time, even when we don’t understand the bad in our lives, in the world…” (Peace)
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