God Sings over You

“Have you ever had such a great day that you just had to sing? Have you ever been with a person who made you so happy that you wanted to sing? When your heart was simply too happy to be silent?
That’s the way God feels about…you! You give God joy—so much that He ‘rejoices over you with singing.’
Notice the rest of today’s verse: God is with you. He is your mighty Warrior who comes alongside to save you. He delights in you. And because of His great love for you, He gives you a way to be forgiven.
so this morning—and every morning—as you rise up to meet the day, ask yourself: How can I make God sing today? What words can I offer, what things can I do that will so please God that He simply has to sing?
The next time someone makes you feel as if you’re not good enough, the next time you question if you really matter, hum a few notes of a favorite hymn and let gratitude fill your heart as you remember this truth: you are Hod’s beloved child, and you make Him sing…” (Thankful)