Gratitude Can Snowball

“Exodus 15:1 is the opening of the amazing song of thanks and praise that Moses sang after the children of Israel had crossed the dry bed of the Red Sea—and watched the Lord draw back over Pharaoh’s fighting men, horses, and chariots.
The excited gratitude that Moses was feeling after God’s great demonstration of His power and His protection is unmistakable. Moses continued exultantly: ‘The Lord is my strength and song, and has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him’ (v. 2).
In what ways can you make these words of gratitude your own? Consider when God has been your strength, and when Jesus has given you a song in your heart, if not on your lips. Reflect on the ramifications of the truth ‘He is my God.’ What reasons for gratitude are rooted in that truth?
If you take time to read through all of Moses’ song, you will see how his gratitude snowballs, increasing in passion as he rehearsed the details of God’s great work in his life. Today do what Moses did: write a few lines thanking God for His work in your life—and then praise Him aloud!…” (Thankful)