Grow in Grace

“Our life with Christ is not meant to be a stale or passive one. We should always be growing, learning more about who He is and how He wants us to be. Part of that learning includes understanding and accepting His grace for us—and then learning to give that grace to those around us.
The grace of God is promised to us:’If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness’ (1 John 1:9). But with that promise comes an obligation: ‘Forgive one another…Forgive as the Lord forgave you’ (Colossians 3:13). Don’t be so busy picking a speck out of your brother or sister’s eye that you ignore the plank in your own (Matthew 7:3)!
When you do get around to addressing that plank in your own eye, remember God’s grace then too. He asks you to give it to others, but don’t forget to give it to yourself. Yes, acknowledging the wrong, turn away from it, and try to make it right. But don’t beat yourself up or get mired down in guilt. Let God’s grace grow in your heart and cover you.”… (Thankful)