“Help. It’s a short word, but for many, it’s so difficult to say. But asking for help isn’t about helplessness; asking for help is about Honesty, Enlisting others, the Love of God, and Prayer.
Honesty means acknowledging that you are human, and you can’t do it all. You don’t have infinite time, energy, brain space, or resources. So at times you need to Enlist others, which means actively reaching out for help. It isn’t shameful, it’s a step toward living a more restful life. And it allows others the freedom to admit they too need help.
You can also Enlist God’s help, trusting that He will provide it. Why? Because of His enormous Love for you. And how can you seek God’s assistance? Through Prayer. Open your mouth and spill out all your worries and struggles before the Lord.
Seek Him, seek H-E-L-P, and find rest…” (Help)