Harmonious Mind

“As your mind stores and sorts through experience, comments, and information, you may feel confused or overwhelmed. Modern society has saturated our senses with distractions…
For the most part, we voluntarily open our minds and allow much of these forces to invade our thoughts. But God calls for us to take care of our minds. Our thought life is where we connect with God in prayer. We are advised to think about those things that are True, Honorable, Excellent, Right, Admirable, Pure, You think on such things. [I noticed if you manipulate the order of these words they spell the acronym THERAPY.] So when too much is going on inside your brain, it is time for a break.
There is peace in letting your mind unwind as you walk, write in a journal, or enjoy music. It is good to seek harmony between your thoughts and actions as you reflect on choices. Being mindful and reflective allows time to think things through and align your thoughts with your hopes…”(Hope)