Image courtesy of: connor millin
This post is for those who filled out a 1 question Facebook survey about overcoming obstacles in your devotional life. I wanted to make sure you got your free gift: a you tube video on MEDITATE: an acronym for a word study of a verse in the Bible.
Here is the link for your free gift:
Over the coming posts, I am going to be sharing with you quotes from Overcoming Your Devotional Obstacles which was the subject of my 1 question survey. The author John O’Malley has given me permission to do so.
Your time with God each day must become the moment where you pause your life and listen to God…When you pick up your Bible to meet God, remember He resides in you. He is your Partner; you are not alone…Our Quiet Time with Him is more about discovering His presence than finding the perfect Bible reading plan or method…We have this eternal and amazing grace-based relationship with the Creator of the universe
Be on the look-out for the next post about overcoming your devotional obstacles.
Photo By connor millin