Invisible Illness

“…PTSD, Chronic exhaustion, [Charcot Marie Tooth Neuropathy],..These are all invisible illnesses, [which my husband has suffered]. When we see a cast on a leg, a scar after surgery, or a wound from an injury, we easily relate—and we’re quicker to emphasize and understand the sufferer’s limitations. But those who deal with invisible illnesses don’t necessarily look sick and, thus, might not receive the compassion they need.
In the same way, someone who has lacked genuine love in his or her life (perhaps through abuse or neglect) will often suffer from deep inner wounds jo one else can see. Friends and family might bear the brunt of the sufferer’s anger or depression while being clueless as to what’s really going on.
If you’ ve had to exercise unending patience lately with a friend,?family member, or coworker, remember that he just might be reacting to a lack of love. A little loving compassion might go long way… (Love)