Joy in the Work

“How often we do not feel like working! Relaxing or having fun seems like a better way to while away our hours. However, the Bible tells us that we’ll find joy in the satisfaction of our work. Even if we don’t particularly like the job situation, some of our coworkers, or perhaps the work itself, if we do our best at all times we can feel fulfilled—and, yes, even joyful—by producing a job well done.
God created us to be productive He wants us to experience the same joy He feels when He creates by doing our work efficiently, with dedication, commitments, and integrity.
If we do our work sloppily, or perhaps well but with a sour attitude, that’s not pleasing to God; because we’re not working in accordance with His will. If we defiantly refuse to do our work well, we won’t find the joy of the Lord in what we do. Always do your best…” (Joyful)