Known by God

“God’s love holds the power to change you from the inside out. It is a transforming power to make you brand new. God will not change you against your will, because God gave you free will. We are the only creatures on earth God has made who can say that we are not going to do something that He has asked us to do. He made us that way because He wants us to freely love Him back. If we refuse to love God, He will continue to love us and will remind us about His perfect ways.
God chose to create you and love you before your birth. He put you together while your mother was carrying you. He has placed part of Himself in every person, so He knows all about you and relates to you. He responds to your prayers and wants to help you to change for the better. When we accept His love, we learn more about Him and reflect His love and goodness. Then others will see His Spirit within us and will be drawn to His\lLove. They, too, will learn that God knows them and has loved them since before they were born…” (Hope)