Let God

It is difficult to let go of worries and not fixate on a problem, especially money issues and relationships. It is natural to dwell on the difficulties and try to figure out a solution. When we dwell on our issues or even on distractions, we give those things power and control over us. It is a power that belongs to only one person and that person is God.
Giving God control over everything that troubles you requires focus. The writer of Proverbs wrote that you should look straight ahead and fix your gaze in front of you. Making God your focus means that you trust Him to walk with you. Now it is time to take that trust in God one step further by taking your hands off your worries.
Sometimes the answer is not in your control anyway, so letting go may be all that you can do.
You can choose to give the problem to God and to let go of worry. Thankfully, God is bigger than your worst problem, and He knows what is best for you. He also knows the perfect time to answer prayers. Listen to God’s whispered answer, and place your hope in Him… (Hope)