Living in Peace

“Humility contributes to our living peacefully with one another. In his classic ‘Mere Christianity’ C. S. Lewis wrote, ‘True Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.’
If I’m not constantly thinking about myself, I’ll have an easier time getting along with people, cooperating with them. But there is nothing like a jab to my pride to get me thinking about myself—and about both retaliating and proudly rebuilding my wounded reputation. That is certainly the world’s approach, society respects individuals who protect their name, their reputation, their pride.
God’s kingdom, however operates on a Do-unto-others system. We are to resist repaying a wrong done to us, especially if our primary reason is wounded pride. Christ humbled Himself on the cross, showing no concern about His reputation and yielding to God !s will for Him. Following Jesus’ model and Paul’s exhortation,May we not pay back wrong with wrong, and nay we live in peace with everyone…’ (Peace)