My Fortress

“In Biblical times the strongest protection against an enemy was a fortress. In the Bible, God is compared to a bulwark or a rampart, which is a fortification, wall, or embankment built to protect the warriors who shot arrows, threw lances or rocks, or poured boiling water or oil down on the attacking enemy. Therefore, a fortress with built-in ramparts or bulwarks was the ultimate protection for those being attacked.
In several psalms, the Lord is referred to as ‘my fortress,’ ‘my bulwark,’ or ‘my rampart,’ The author of those psalms acknowledged God as his ultimate protection from the weapons of Satan. God is not only our most powerful defense. He’s our only protection. No earthly weapon or defense system is adequate to safeguard us from the ‘flaming arrows of the evil one ‘ (Ephesians 6:16)
How do we seek refuge in our Fortress? We must first believe Jesus is Lord and Savior, then worship Him, Study His Word, and repent of our sins. And rejoice, knowing His protection is ours!…(Joyful)