Only a Prayer Away

“With today’s technology, it’s easy to stay connected with friends, family, current events, and even old classmates from elementary school. Just a few clicks and swipes, and relationships are easily established, nourished, and renewed.
But connecting with Jesus is even easier. There’s no technology required, because He’s only a simple prayer away. No cell service? No problem. You can connect with Jesus even in the middle of nowhere, or in the dead of night, or in the middle of the afternoon. He never ignores your calls, and He never asks if He can get back with you later. God is available anytime and all the time.
Isn’t that a relief? Isn’t that an amazing promise? Jesus is there for you always, no matter the time or circumstance. He can give you the counsel, encouragement, and rest you so desperately need. Connect with Jesus today; He’s only a prayer away… (Rest)