Praise Without Ceasing

“…The next verse says, ‘in everything give thanks.’ So perhaps another way of saying 1 Thessalonians 5:17 is ‘Praise without ceasing.’ And in the book of Psalms, the different writers showed us how to do just that.
Upon rising in the morning, David began each day With praise: ‘In the morning I will sing of your love’ (Psalm 59:16). Why? Because ‘it is good to give thanks to the Lord…in the morning ‘ (Psalm 92:1-2).
All through the day, more than ‘seven times a day I praise You,’ the writer declared (Psalm 119:164). And when the day drew to an end, the psalmist was found still praising the Lord: ‘I remember Your name in the night, O Lord ‘ (Psalm 119:55).
In the best of times, David sang, ‘Greatbisvtge Lord, and greatly to be praised’ (Psalm 145:3). In the most difficult of times, in the face of his own sins, David lifted his voice to say, ‘Be glad in the Lord and rejoice…shout for joy’ (Psalm32:11).
Will you do as David did and make ‘praise without ceasing ‘ a way of life? Will you declare, ‘I will praise you every day; yes, I will praise you forever’ (Psalm 145:2-3)…” (Thankful)