Seeking and Finding

“In a world of maybe and perhaps, we can thank the Lord for His strong ‘you will ‘and ‘I will’ in this passage. They offer a refreshing contrast to the fragile promises and commitments we find in this world.
Speaking to His people about the end of their seventy-year exile in Babylon, God wanted them to know that when they sought Him, they would find Him. What a promise for the holy and almighty One to make to His weak, wayward people! In case we aren’t sure we heard Him right, God repeats the promise in a different way: ‘I will be found by you.’ In other words, He’s not going to hide!
Being able to find God is a welcome promise in light of the fact that seeking God is part of the human condition. God created us with a desire for Him…
Thankfully, when we recognize this desire for what it is, God not only gives us the ability to look for Him, He makes Himself available.
No maybes with this God. We have only to look, and we will find Him,” (Thankful)