Stop and Rest

“…Are you the kind of person who takes two things off your to-do list and immediately adds six more? You like a full schedule; you thrive on being busy.
Yet, there are times when your own pace wears you out, when there aren’t enough hours in the day, when you think you might get caught up if only you could clone yourself for an hour or two.
But maybe more is going on than our simply liking the busyness. Maybe we wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves if we got to the end of our to-do-lists.
We know people who are able to relax despite the mounting laundry piles and the paperwork to be shredded or filed, and we don’t understand. How can they relax when there is so much to do?
Perhaps they realize that not one of us is promised another day or even minute of life. So they wisely slow down and stop; they rest and relax once in a while, however long their to-do list may be…” (Peace)