
“When we are doing something good—when we are choosing wisely, doing the job that no one else will do, helping someone at a substantial personal cost of time, energy, or finances—why do we suffer? It doesn’t seem fair that the people who treat others as they themselves would like to be treated are the ones with a target on their backs. But persecution doesn’t care about fair.
Jesus taught that his followers who are persecuted for His sake and because they are living according to His ways are blessed. Yet when we experience persecution because of our faith, we feel anything but blessed. When we’re lied about, framed, betrayed, or mistreated, we can still find peace in God’s presence with us and peace as we look to the future. After all, His promise is that those who suffer for Christ’s sake possess the riches of God’s kingdom.
So take comfort, for the result of this battle is sure: God wins. And when He does—Jesus returns as King of kings—the Lord will bless you greatly and an abundance of peace…” (Peace)