Thanks Throughout the Day

“Agreeing that it is indeed ‘good to give thanks to the Lord,’ let’s imagine together what moments of gratitude throughout your day might look like.
Waking up: We thank God for the day ahead—and we ask His guidance. What does He want us to do with this gift of life?
Tthem routine: The routine can bring frustration and impatience, flat tires and bad traffic, and yes, worries. We can always thank God for His presence, whatever the circumstances that invite discontent rather than gratitude.
Evening crunch time: This could mean prayers for patience with an oldest child’s homework issue, for wisdom with a middle child’s homework issue, for insight into a youngest child’s mood, and for selfless love for a weary spouse. But if we can only muster a couple syllables, ‘ThankYou’ counts!
It is never to late to say ‘Thank You’ to God. As the psalmist said, ‘It is good to give thanks to the Lord!’…” (Thankful)