The Best Night’s Sleep

“According to, we can learn while we sleep. If we listen to information while sleeping, our brains will not only reinforce existing memories and knowledge, they’ll also recall that information more efficiently once we’re awake. In other words, if we read Psalm 91 and then listen to it at nihilism, we’ll know it more solidly and recall it more quickly the next day.
Do you love the Word? Then take advantage of the brain’s abilities. There was a time when listening to the spoken Word of God meant spending a chunk of money on cassettes, but no more. Now it’s free and as close as our smartphones. We can listen while we sleep— or as we drive, do dishes, shop for groceries, or sit by the pool.
Do you want to increase in love for God and others? Download your favorite book of the Bible before you lay your head on your pillow tonight…” (Love)