The Harm of Complaining

“Sometimes complaining feels good, doesn’t it? At least for a few minutes. But then you usually end up feeling even more frustrated, jaded, or angry than before, Complaining doesn’t help you forget or move on;it solidifies your feelings of being wronged. And those feelings can begin to take root deep inside you, hardening your heart.
When there’s complaining, there is no peace. Peace comes from a contented heart, from understanding that life isn’t fair, and choosing to embrace what life has to offer you. Peace is a restful state. Complaining, on the other hand, brings only weariness.
The next time you find yourself complaining, note how your body reacts. You may feel your blood pressure rise, shoulders tighten, and hands curl into a fists. This isn’t healthy or restful. Let go of your complaints, turn them over to God in prayer, and let Him replace them with peace and contentment…and rest… (Rest)