The Meaning of Hope

“Some people believe the word hope means wishful thinking, such as hoping to receive a gift on a birthday or Christmas. But the word also means to expect something. It is a word that implies you are confident that your desire will come true. This is the kind of hope that is identified in the Bible. It is clearly exemplified in the Christian’s expectation of the coming of Christ. We all wait expectantly for Christ to return for those who call Him Lord…
Think about the hopes that have already been realized and about all the blessings you have already received. Your past experiences can cause you to believe in new hopes. Journaling in a prayer diary and noting the answers to your prayers builds a strong testimony of faithful answers to fulfilled hopes. Have you received answers to your prayers lately? Have they encouraged you to pray bigger prayers and inspired bigger hopes? As you pray each day, observe how God responds. As you record your prayers, let God’s responses build your confidence in Him…” (Hope)