The Yoke Jesus Offers

“To nonfarmers, Jesus’ invitational May not mean much. What is He asking us to do? A yoke is the crossbar that rests on the shoulders of two animals (oxen, for instance), connecting them so they can work together on a given task (like plowing a field). The farmer is more productive with double the strength, and the oxen are less worn from sharing the load.
What does it mean to take on Jesus’ yoke? What ‘work’ must we do to find the rest Jesus offers? According to Jon Bloom’s blog post, ‘Come, All Who Are Weary’:
‘Jesus answered this question in John 6:29: ‘ This is the work of God, that you believe in Him Whom He has sent.’ And He answered it in John 15:4: ‘Abide in me’ (like a branch in a vine). Believe and abide: that really is all work God requires of us. Faith (believing and abiding) is resting on the hopeful promises of God. That is the yoke Jesus calls us to put on,’
Are you weighed down by guilt, shame, anxiety, pain, indecision, or loneliness? Whatever your burden, Jesus invites, how about a yoke exchange?…”(Thankful)