When Life is Loud

“Are you ever desperate to hear from God? Do you feel you could possibly receive a word from Him if your life just wasn’t so loud? Life can be so chaotic and overwhelming that it seems to drown out the voice of the Father.
We often rob ourselves of our own joy because we take on responsibilities we were never meant to handle. For instance, we see a verse about being silent and we begin thinking about ways to make our world quieter. We attempt to silence people; we look for ways to accomplish tasks faster so we’ll have more downtime. But God doesn’t tell us to make our surroundings silent.
God wants us, not our environment, to be silent and still. If we’ll quiet our spirits, God can speak over any noise that may be going on around us. If we desire the joy that comes from hearing from the Father, we need to work on silencing the only thing we can control—ourselves…” (Joyful)