When You Are Weak

“No one likes to feel weak or vulnerable—especially in our culture that prides itself on self-sufficiency and independence. But consider this: God’s power is made perfect in your weakness. God says it Himself in His Word. The apostle Paul actually boasted about his weakness, because in his weakness, he tested in the strength of the Lord. Paul’s own agenda and desires were set aside, and the Lord was then able to work mightily in his life.
What does living in weakness look like? It doesn’t mean letting others walk all over you or being lazy; it means fully relying on the Lord’s strength rather than your own. Any hardship that comes up is simply handed to the Lord, and in His strength. He handles it.
You are strong when you are weak because that’s when God’s power is working most mightily through you. Rest from your striving; and believe that the Lord can handle it…” (Rest)