Why the Illustrating Bible is BEST for Bible Journaling?

Over the next several posts, I am going to share some thoughts from Marva Dawn in her book I’m Lonely, Lord, How Long: Meditations on…
Over the next several posts, I am going to share some thoughts from Marva Dawn in her book I’m Lonely, Lord, How Long: Meditations on…
Genesis 12 and 13 mention 3 times that Abram built an altar and worshipped God. The first time was at Abram’s first campsite, beside the…
I have been Bible journaling for about nine months; just the amount of time to have a baby! In many respects Bible journaling has become…
God’s name is synonymous with his characteristics. At this time of year we sing of the child who is born to us : Wonderful Counselor,…
These scriptures tell us that both Enoch and Noah walked in close fellowship with God. For Enoch that led to God taking him right up…