Wise Rest
“A time of rest can easily and quickly become a time of unrest. Perhaps you’ve just settled in for your early morning quiet time, but as you try to pray your mind begins to wander to all you need to do in the day. Or maybe you’ve carved out an hour to simply sit and enjoy the stillness, but you soon realize you’ve spent half the time scrolling through your social media updates.
Are you using your times of rest wisely? There’s no set right or wrong way to rest; it can be sleep or activity, it can be indoors or outdoors. But however you choose to rest, it should provide you with energy, joy, and peace. You should leave your time of rest feeling rejuvenated and relieved of your weariness. And if you don’t, you might need to make some changes. Whatever type of rest you choose, do it intentionally and wisely… (Rest)