Armor for the Battle

“According to God’s Word, we are fighting‘spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places’ (Ephesians 6:12), so let’s be grateful for the spiritual armor God provides. Paul’s descriptions of the various pieces suggest the protective gear worn by the Roman soldiers of his day.
According to, the Roman soldier’s belt was crucial because it held in place the rest of his armor. Similarly, the Christian soldiers’ belt of truth—our knowledge of God’s truth—is essential in our battle with Satan. He would make us doubt God’s love . We gird ourselves with this belt do we can sort out our truth from lies from the evil one.
Next, Paul referred to the Roman soldier’s breastplate. As soldiers in God’s s army, we initially put on our breastplate of righteousness when we confessed our sins and received God’s forgiveness. This piece of armor protects our most essential organs.
Soldiers in God’s army have also ‘shod [their] feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace’ (Ephesians 6:15). We are therefore ready to march in obedience.
In our battle against spiritual enemies, we show wisdom as well as gratitude when we put on the armor God provides…” (Thankful)