The Lord’s Protection

“What makes you feel safe and protected? Is it an alarm system, having someone else in the house, or maybe a pet of some kind? The problem with any of these sources of protection is that they’re fallible. An alarm system could break, a person can fall asleep, and a dog may not react the way we hoped.
It’s fascinating that then psalmist didn’t say God’s strength will protect us. He didn’t say that we’ll find our security in His omniscience, omnipresence, or holiness. Our security, He said, comes from the faithfulness of God.
We can rejoice in the Lord’s promise to protect us (Psalm:121:5) because we also have the promise of His faithfulness (2 Timothy 2:13). These are more than words or warm, fuzzy feelings; faithfulness is at the heart of God’s character. There is joy in knowing that His faithfulness and His protection are inseparable…” (Joyful)