True Joy

“Why are we so often shocked when we encounter hardship In this world? Shouldn’t we already be aware that the paths are rocky and the terrain is sin-stained? Worldly pursuits will leave us empty, and people inevitably will let us down. Yet we continue to seek joy where none is to be found (Ecclesiastes 2:25).
picture the women crying at the tomb and the angels asking: ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead?’ Don’t we often seek the right things in the wrong places? We try to find joy through our peers, occupations, or accomplishments. If any of these things don’t work out the way we would like, we allow our joy to slip away.
we spend too much time searching for the joy of the living Savior among the dead things of the world. The psalmist declared that he relied on the Lord for his well-being (Psal 16:2). He was aware of the fickleness of joy gained through worldly praise and accomplishments. We’ll live joyfully when we seek joy in the correct places… (Joyful)