Used by God

“Have you ever looked at your life and wondered how God could bring anything good out of it? Have you ever looked at your past and thought it would be best buried and forgotten? Maybe you thought your failings and mistakes eliminated you from any joy God may have planned for you.
When outlining the lineage of Christ, Matthew refers to David’s child with ‘the wife of Uriah.’ Those words are intended to remind us of the sins of David: his acts of adultery and murder. All too often we think our sins render us useless in the kingdom. Or, once forgiven, we think our sins should be swept under the rug and never mentioned again.
There were twenty-eight generations between David and Christ—between a sinful broken wretch of a man and the holy, sinless Savior of the world (Matthew 1:17). Joy and beauty were still to come for David, and they are for us as well…” (Joyful)